Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Stephanie Toppin

I can find no information on this artist other than the title of the series... 'Coloreruptions'. Whoever this chick is though, she's like a new age Pollock, but probably less drunk & definitely equally if not more talented.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I google myself every once in awhile. I truly appreciate the post and the kindness, no one ever has to so thank you for that. If you have a flickr account you can add me under: SToppin. If you want to read more about the work you can go here:

I am going to have my first show in July in Houston, TX so I am pretty new to the art world. I've always just painted for myself in the kitchen so there is hardly anything spectacular about that, just hopefully honest.

An artist I really like at the moment is -- Christoph Muegge. His paintings remind me of graffiti and I love it. You should check him out.
Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon.

stephanie toppin